
You’ve found your way to BUST THE CANON.

This is an interview series and radio show where Margaret Malone talks to writers about writers they love, giving authors an opportunity to highlight other writers who might be less well known, under-appreciated, or working outside the traditional literary canon because of race, gender, class, language, geography, dis/ability and more.

The hope is that after listening to an episode, you’ve learned about a new writer whose book you can’t wait to get your hands on, a writer you might not have found your way to otherwise. You read their work. You pass it on.

And the literary canon evolves, one writer at a time.

You can listen every fourth Monday at 1pm (PST) on XRAY.FM or in Portland, Oregon at 107.1 FM.


Coming soon. Episode 4 with John Vercher


Episode 3 with Omar El Akkad

Episode 2 with Kristen Millares Young (coming soon)

Episode 1 No God Like the Mother with Keisha Ajose-Fisher